Welcome to the visitation & visualisation of what we used to call "The Past".
It shall from now forward be referred to as: "The Present & Now".
Along the way, you will be observing many idioms and peculiar items, some that were looked upon as unimportant & others that were revered, and even some that were rejected. Some were loved, some were hated and some were merely scoffed at, and not always in a constant time frame.
Before we begin, I would like to give a few special thanx...... (For various reasons)
Firstly, I suppose, Mr. William F. Earl, his web-site is
GONE... (but google him anyway...)
He gave me my first opportunity at delving into the world of Blogging. So, A BIG Thanx to Big Bad Bill.
Next, I will just list folks who I reckon should be acknowledged....
The Insane Darrell Wayne, Funk, Jason Jeffries,
and, my wife; Irene.(to be continued)
So, let us proceed, K?